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Ijen Volcano Crater (2386 masl) is one of the most attractive and dangerous places in the world. Active volcano, constantly spewing sulfur smoke clubs, the world’s largest acid Lake Kawah Ijen, incredible in its beauty blue fire and extremely hard working conditions in the sulfur mine. The Ijen volcanic complex consists of several stratovolcanoes and cinder cones and a 20 km wide caldera. Ijen caldera is the largest in Java. The size of the crater is about 960 m x 600 m. The primary dangers at Ijen are pyroclastic flows, lahars, and lava flows.

Kawah Ijen Acid Lake

Kawah Ijen Crater Lake, at the top of the volcano, is the world’s largest such body of water filled with hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. The volcano emitted hydrogen chloride gas, which reacted with the water and formed a highly condensed hydrochloric acid with a pH of almost 0. In fact, it’s the hydrochloric acid that makes the water turquoise-blue. The lake is a deadly dangerous; however it can be touched by hand. A temperature on the surface is 50-60°С, and in the depths – over 200°С. The depth of the lake is about 200 meters.

Blue Fire / Flame

The blue fire is ignited sulphuric gas, which emerges from cracks with temperatures up to 600°С. The glow is quite weak, so it can be seen only at night.

Sulfur Mines in the Crater

Miners have been extracting sulfur here for more than 40 years. This is a very difficult and dangerous job.

Without protective clothing, and without masks, miners cut sulfur pieces and put them into a basket.

Then they carry these baskets 200 meters to the top of the crater, and then descend 3 km to the foot of the volcano to a village, where they are rewarded for their work.

East Java Explorer

Arie. Adventurer


East Java Explorer Team

Eko S


East Java Explorer Team



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